Quality of evidence: B
Prevalence of Underlying Diseases in Hospitalized Patients With COVID-19: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Authors: Emami A et al.
Journal: Archives Academic Emergency Medicine
Objectives: Estimate the prevalence of underlying diseases in hospitalized COVIDs 19
Strength of evidence: Moderate ( only abstracts used for some studies, include studies of limited quality or low strength of evidence, only 10 articles, only from Chinese centers)
Methods/publication type: Meta-Analysis
PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, Google Scholar, Embase, The WHO, and CDC websites
Terms: [SARS-CoV-2 AND characteristics] OR, [2019-nCoV AND Characteristics] "OR" COVID-19 AND Comorbidities] OR [new coronavirus AND Characteristics AND Comorbidities] OR [Wuhan Coronavirus AND Characteristics AND Comorbidities] OR [Coronavirus AND characteristics AND Comorbidities]
Articles published until February 15, 2020.
All articles reporting clinical and epidemiological characteristics of patients hospitalized for COVID 19 (3,403 patients in total)
Highlights :
Hypertension, CVD, diabetes, tobacco, COPD, tumor (and in particular lung cancer), chronic renal failure are among the most frequent comorbidities in COVID-19 hospitalized patients
CVDs are the most prevalent co-morbidities.
The pooled prevalence of the most prevalent co-morbidities:
hypertension = 16.37% (CI 9510.15% -23.65%)
cardiovascular diseases (CVD) = 12.11% (95% CI 4.40% -22.75%),
smoking = 7.63% (95% CI 3.83% -12.43%)
diabetes = 7.87% (95% CI 6.57% -9.28%)