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Who Am I ?

I am a Postdoctoral fellow at the CHU Sainte-Justine of Montrèal with a background on immunity, microbiota and inflammatory disease. I am presently working on pédiatric cancers, nutrition, microbiota and chemotherapy and their combined effect of the occurrence of cardiometabolic complications in children with cancer and in cancer survivors.





After the emergence of Covid-19 pandemic, I could not stand staying confined without doing what I could to help the global effort. I joined the rrCMDO scientific literature follow-up team, among other crowdsourced projects, aiming at centralizing the exponentially growing knowledge on Covid-19 and cardiometabolic complications. From there, I pushed a little forward the initiative by creating this tool, in order to provide a deeper overview of the publications in relation to this subject, for acute response and also aiming at providing a literature sources for future research to the community.





Centralize the latest knowledge on the subject to clarify the issue for health officials and researchers

Method : Reviewing and curing the Literature on coronaviruses, specifically the latest on SARS-Cov-2 and Covid-19, and cardiometabolic disease and, summarizing key issues & knowledge and linking to the relevant literature.





  1. Select pre-publications and publications of interest from the WHO database (

  2. Classify each publication based on its specific subject (diabetes, heart disease, liver disease, etc.)

  3. Read and provide a quick overview of the objective of each publication and its highlights


Disclaimer: all linked resources and embedded websites are the property of their creators and were centralized here to streamline the access to information.

How It Got Started

My Objective


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