Quality of evidence: C
Severe Outcomes Among Patients with Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Authors: CDC COVID-19 Response Team
Journal: The Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) from the CDC
Objectives: Assess the occurrence of hospitalizations, intensive care, and death among US COVID-19 patients
Strength of evidence: Low (Multicentric but retrospective preliminary descriptive study, many cases have missing data points)
Methods/publication type:
A multicentric retrospective cohort study (descriptive)
49+ states in the United States
Between February 12 and March 16
Highlights :
12% of patients hospitalized
Over 121 patients in intensive care: 7% >85 y / 46% 65-84 y / 36% 45-64 y / 12% 20-44 y
Fatality rate was highest in persons aged ≥85, ranging from 10% to 27%
It was between 3% to 11% among persons aged 65–84 years
It was between 1% to 3% among persons aged 55-64 years
It was <1% among persons aged 20–54 years
No fatalities or admission in intensive care among persons aged ≤19 years