Quality of evidence: B -
Early antiviral treatment contributes to alleviate the severity and improve the prognosis of patients with novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19)
Authors: Wu J et al.
Journal: Journal of Internal Medicine
Objectives: To assess factors associated with the severity and prognosis of patients infected with SARS-CoV-2
Strength of evidence: Moderate (Monocentric, limited number of severe cases)
Methods/Publication type :
Retrospective cohort study with a collection of clinical, imaging and biological characteristics on 280 confirmed cases from January 20 to February 20
Highlights :
Risk factors for severe forms: - Higher age (63 years median) - Delayed treatment with antivirals (2.5 days) - More comorbidities: 86% with diabetes or cardiovascular disease - higher BMI (25 in median)
Prognostic factors: - Comorbidities - Timeframe for initiating antiviral therapy