Quality of evidence: C -
Diabetes is a risk factor for the progression and prognosis of COVID‐19
Authors: Guo W et al
Journal: Diabetes Metab Res Rev
Objectives: Assessment of diabetes as a prognostic factor for SARS-CoV-2 infection.
Strength of evidence: Low (inadequate controls, confounders not taken into account)
Methods/publication type:
A retrospective study of 174 SARS-Cov-2 infected patients who were admitted to the Wuhan Union Hospital from February 10, 2020, to February 29
Comparison of patients with diabetes to patients without diabetes
The analysis was redone after exclusion of patients with other comorbidities
The chest scans were scored by two doctors
Highlights :
Patients with diabetes have:
Higher Neutrophiles, D-dimères, CRP
Lower lymphocytes, red blood cells, and hemoglobin
More marked lung lesions/at higher risk of severe pneumonia
Higher mortality (+16.7%), however, age might be a confounder (61 in diabetic vs 32 in controls)
At higher risk of severe enzymatic release linked to tissue damage
At higher risk of uncontrolled inflammatory responses and hypercoagulable state (IL-6, reactive protein C, serum ferritin and the clotting index, D-dimer, were significantly higher in diabetic, p <0.01)
Uncontrolled diabetes occurred often
This population should be closely monitored