Quality of evidence: B
Risk Factors Associated With Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome and Death in Patients With Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pneumonia in Wuhan, China
Authors: Wu et al
Journal: JAMA
Objectives: Characterize patients with COVID-19 and the risk factors for death
Strength of evidence: Moderate (Well designed cohort study yet retrospective, a limited number of patients with comorbidities/aged, monocentric study)
Methods/publication type:
Retrospective monocentric cohort study on patients affected by COVID-19 in Wuhan
201 patients
Highlights :
Risk factors for developing ARDS: high age, organ dysfunction or coagulopathy, high LDH or D-Dimer levels
Factors associated with ARDS but not death: comorbidities, lymphocyte count, pre-albumin, creatinine, blood sugar, ferritin,
Fever> 39 ° C negatively associated with risk of death