Quality of evidence: B+
COVID-19 and the cardiovascular system
Authors: Zheng et al.
Journal: Nature Reviews Cardiology (2020)
Objectives: Adress the link between COVID-19 and cardiovascular disease
Strength of evidence: B+ (quality review, no methodology on article selection)
Methods/publication type: review
Highlights :
Increased high-sensitivity cardiac troponin I (hs-cTnI) levels (>28 pg/ml) in patients at risk
Blood-pressure levels were significantly higher in patients treated in the ICU than in those not treated in the ICU (mean systolic blood pressure 145 mmHg versus 122 mmHg; P < 0.001)
Some of the covid-19 patients first went to see a doctor because of cardiovascular symptoms
Among the people who died from COVID-19 reported by the NHC, 11.8% of patients without underlying CVD had substantial heart damage, with elevated levels of cTnI or cardiac arrest during hospitalization
Heart issue linked to ACE2 + an imbalanced response by type 1 and type 2 T helper cells (cytokine storm)
In previous SARS survivors: metabolomics analysis revealed that lipid metabolism was dysregulated in patients with a history of SARS-CoV infection + 68% had hyperlipidemia, 44% had cardiovascular system abnormalities and 60% had glucose metabolism disorders
MERS-CoV infection was more likely to occur in patients with underlying CVD
Patients with CVD are more likely to develop severe symptoms if infected with SARS-CoV-2