Quality of evidence: C
Clinical characteristics of 113 deceased patients with coronavirus disease 2019: a retrospective study
Authors: Chen T et al
Journal: The British Medical Journal
Objectives: Find determinant of fatality
Strength of evidence: Low (retrospective study, monocentric, descriptive, detailed)
Methods/publication type:
Retrospective cohort study
799 patients, analyze on 113 deceased vs 161 survivors
13 Janvier au 12 février 2020
Highlights :
General observations:
Deceased are older ( 68 vs 51 in controls), more often males (73% vs 55%), have comorbidities (63% vs 39%) including hypertension (48% vs 24%), cardiovascular disease (14% vs 4%) and cerebrovascular disease (4% vs none)
Symptoms to admission longer for deceased (10 vs 9 days)
Clinical and biological markers:
comparable rates of fever and cough, higher rates of dyspnea (62% vs 31%), thoracic pressure (49% vs 22%), consciousness disorder (22% vs 1%)
Higher arterial pressure (SAP = 37 mmHg vs 125 mmHg), higher pulse rate (101 vs 91) and respiration frequency (24 vs 20),
Higher Leukocytosis (50% vs 4%), more occurrence of lymphopenia (39% vs 5%)
More liver and kidney function disruptions, higher inflammatory syndrome and more occurrence of bilateral frosted glass opacity and sub-segmental consolidation on chest imaging
ARDS (100%), sepsis (100%), acute heart injury (77%), cardiac arrest (49%), alkalosis (40%), hyperKalemia (37%), acute kidney injury (25%), hypoxic encephalopathy (20%)
Probable secondary bacterial infection (high Procalcitone levels) and shock
Some cases of acute kidney injury, hypoxic encephalopathy
Rare cases of DIC and acute liver injury