Quality of evidence: C-
Covid-19: ibuprofen should not be used for managing symptoms, say doctors and scientists
Authors: Michael Day
Journal: The British Medical Journal
Objectives: Report the latest news on the opinions of the experts on the use of ibuprofen during COVID-19
Strength of evidence: Low (news feed, recommendations based on low count of cases
Methods/publication type: Summary of expert opinions, letter to the editor and case reports
Highlights :
NSAIDs might increase the duration of the infection, limit the immune response and possibly increase symptoms
However, they might be useful in limiting IL-6 and cytokine-storm
There is a very little counter indication for not using NSAIDs out of precaution as there are other drugs
Recommendation not to use NSAIDs for symptomatic treatment
Favor paracetamol (Tylenol) instead