Quality of evidence: C-
Early, low-dose and short-term application of corticosteroid treatment in patients with severe COVID-19 pneumonia: single-center experience from Wuhan, China
Authors: Wang Y et al
Journal: Pre-prints
Objectives: Assess the efficiency and safety of corticosteroid therapy in severe cases
Strength of evidence: Low (pre-print, 46 patients, non-randomized study, open-label, few side-effects studied, few comorbidities, differences in antiviral treatments and in time-course)
Methods/publication type:
A non-randomized, open-label trial
46 patients, 26 treated
IV administration of methylprednisolone 1 to 2 mg/kg/day for one week
Patients matched by age, sex, co-morbidities and clinical-biological characteristics compared to those in the treatment group.
Highlights :
Significant reduction of the duration of the fever to 2 days against 5 (p = 0.010),
Improved O2 saturation and reduce oxygen dependence time by 5 days (p <0.001)
Improvement in CT signs